Saturday, 16 April 2016

When I wanted to stay

I came back from the Park run with a song in my heart. I was happy. I woke up early to do the Park run with friends, had breakfast afterwards and returned home.

And for a brief moment I wanted to stay.

I wanted to stay in my home country. I wanted to be around for the park runs on Saturdays, the braais on Sundays and the thunderstorms in the summer months. I wanted to be around to see my friends children grow up. To explore all the new restaurants this city offer.

I wanted to be around.

Perhaps it was because for the first time in 4 months I had a weekend off. Oh, two day weekend... I have missed you. I had time to do my washing. To lay in bed reading. To make coffee and drink it while its hot.

I don't really ever get the want-to-stay-feeling. I normally get the where-am-I-going-next feeling. I like a simple life. One where my life belongings fit into a backpack. One where I only need a bed, a bathroom and a kitchen. An alternative life.

But for a brief moment, just one, I wanted to stay.