Wednesday 14 August 2013


I walked outside a little while ago.  I looked up, the sky is the same blue it was yesterday. Or is it?  I see crew rushing in, most of them frowning – and this is relatively early in the morning.   I turn around to see small changes in the tree, as the weather gets slightly warmer.

I realised that I can’t remember what I had for dinner last week – except the wine I had with a friend on Tuesday.  Trust me to remember the wine…

I can’t distinguish the weeks anymore, never mind the days.  It becomes a big blur of work, friends, and evenings at home. 

What exactly are we rushing off to? Are we working harder for money? That might or might not grow depending on the mood of the world powers in that particular week.  To spend a long weekend to with family, in which we spend the majority of the time trying to forget about work and unwind.  

Is this what our lives have become? Do we rush from work to home, into gym and make appointments with people we call friends.  People who have seen me cry, and fight and horrified by life.   People who I’ve known for years.

What is it about the quest for being better? Or being busier? Or being richer, that captivates us? There are multiple theories on where we go when we die… Whether you return in the form of another animal or as a spirit, I doubt whether you’d be able to transfer your old world with you. 

A lecturer of mine raised an issue in one of our Mass Communication classes: she asked whether becoming better is really a thing? Aren’t we created to be just who and what we are?  Why are we constantly trying to be fitter, stronger, more knowledgeable and gain more skills?

Im sure most of us need to pay rent and buy food – as living off love and water, uhm, well… doesn’t work that well.  But perhaps I can make an effort to see my people, spend time with them and notice the trees around me more often.  And perhaps play with some kind of animal, they are so free… In my next life I think I want to return as a penquin.

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