Tuesday 4 August 2015

Small blessings

I had a particularly bad Monday. But then again, Mondays are a bit strange – it’s that day with a bad reputation, early meetings, traffic jams. Or is it just us, making it up to be all that bad?

Mine was bad though. I had a page in one of the newspaper layouts gone wrong – not by human error – by some IT bug, I guess. It had to be redone. A few mistakes needed to be fixed for a page later this week. A sub needed my attention to explain something. And none of that is on the to-do list. It was before 9am. I walked into the boardroom to catch my breath. 

On Tuesday, after soothing myself on Monday night with a glass of wine, I had a better day. Through the two deadlines before 12, and the sitting behind my computer to go over a piece before submitting it, I ate lunch.

On my way home, I was much calmer. I like driving, listening to the radio and singing along. Not getting stuck in traffic, but a little driving and a little looking at the sky goes a long way to calm me down, especially after a rough day.

Trees. That’s one thing I still like about my city – the streets lined with trees. The winding roads with the sun shining through the branches and the bits of blue sky somewhere in-between.

And so my drive home becomes my sanity, because I get to see blue skies, age old trees and sing along to the top of my lungs. Because I can.

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